Endpoint is used to export your users from Repsly. System limit is 50 rows.

More Info

In every response you will receive meta variable LastTimeStamp of the last changed record in the list. Save it for future requests so you can use it as a parameter {lastTimeStamp} for every subsequent request until the response meta variable TotalCount is equal to 0, which means you have received all updates.

To get the complete list of users, start your request with parameter {lastTimeStamp} = 0.

Response definition

MetaCollectionResult\TotalCountIntegerTotal count of users
MetaCollectionResult\LastTimeStamplongTimestamp of the latest user in the list
IDGuidInternal unique user identifier
CodeString (20)ID
NameString (80)Name
EmailString (100)Email
ActiveBooleanIs user active
RoleString (80)Roles, pipe separated (AccountOwner|Admin|Representative)
NoteString (255)Note
PhoneString (128)Phone
TerritoriesArray(String)The array of strings of territory paths that user is associated with.
Territory path is representation of hierarchical territory position as territory names separated by “/”.

Ex. “Territory 1/Territory 1.1/Territory 1.1.1”
SendEmailEnabledBooleanUser is allowed to send emails from mobile app
Address1String (256)Address Line 1
Address2String (256)Address Line 2
CityString (256)City
StateString (256)State
ZipCodeString (20)ZIP
ZipCodeExtString (20)ZIP ext
CountryString (256)Country
CountryCodeString (20)Country code
AttributesArray(Attribute)List of attributes with values and types specified for that company.
PermissionsArrray(String)List of admin permissions


TitleStringName of the attribute (defined by the admin).
ValueStringThe value set for that user. If the value is null than the value is not set.