Endpoint is used to export your daily working time from Repsly. System limit is 50 rows.

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Endpoint is used to export your daily working time from Repsly. System limit is 50 rows.
In every response you will receive meta variables FirstID and LastID. Save LastID for future requests so you can use it as a parameter {lastDailyWorkingTimeID} for every subsequent request until the response meta variable TotalCount is equal to 0, which means you have received all updates.

To get the complete list of daily working times, start your request with parameter {lastDailyWorkingTimeID} = 0.

Response definition

MetaCollectionResult\TotalCountIntegerTotal count of daily working times
MetaCollectionResult\FirstIDIntegerUnique ID of the first item in the list
MetaCollectionResult\LastIDIntegerUnique ID of the last item in the list
DailyWorkingTimeIDIntegerUnique daily working time ID
DateDatetimeDate of entry
DateAndTimeStartDatetimeStart of workday
DateAndTimeEndDatetimeEnd of workday
LengthIntegerLength of workday in minutes
MileageStartIntegerStart mileage in meters
MileageEndIntegerEnd mileage in meters
MileageTotalIntegerTotal mileage in meters
LatitudeStartLongLatitude at day start
LongitudeStartLongLongitude at day start
LatitudeEndLongLatitude at day end
LongitudeEndLongLongitude at day end
RepresentativeCodeString (20)Unique representative code (owner of this workday)
RepresentativeNameString (80)Representative name (owner of this workday)
NoteString (255)Workday note
TagTextTags associated with this working day (separated with commas)
NoOfVisitsIntegerTotal number of visits in this workday
MinOfVisitsDatetimeEarliest date and time of a visit in this workday
MaxOfVisitsDatetimeLatest date and time of a visit in this workday
MinMaxVisitsTimeIntegerLength in minutes between the earliest and the latest visit
TimeAtClientIntegerLength in minutes spent at client locations
TimeAtTravelIntegerLength in minutes spent in travelling