Endpoint is used to import schedules from your system into Repsly.

Request definition

Required keys are marked with a red triangle 🔺

ScheduleCodeString (50)Unique schedule identifier, if empty it will be generated
ClientCode 🔺String (50)Place (client) code that will be assigned to this schedule
UserID🔺String (20)Representative code that will be assigned to this schedule
ScheduledDate🔺String (10)Date when schedule begins (date format "2024-11-25")
RepeatEveryWeeks🔺IntegerInterval for weekly schedule recurrence. 0 for non recurring schedule
DueDateBooleanIndicates if visit has a due date or not
RepeatEndDateString (10)End date for repeating recurring schedules (date format "2024-11-25")
RepeatDaysString (60)Days on which recurring scheduled visits occur (format "Sunday|Monday|Friday")
ScheduledTimeString (5)Time of visit (time format "15:00"), empty for any time visit
ScheduledDurationIntegerDuration of the visit in minutes, if empty default to 30 minutes
VisitNoteTextNote on the visit
AlertUsersIfMissedStringList of admin emails that will be notified if scheduled visit was missed (format "admin_email_1|admin_email_2")
AlertUsersIfLateStringList of admin emails that will be notified if visitor was late (format "admin_email_1|admin_email_2")
AlertUsersIfDoneStringList of admin emails that will be notified if scheduled visit was completed (format "admin_email_1|admin_email_2")
ExternalIDStringOptional external identifier
ActiveBooleanIf empty or "true" schedule will be active after import, if "false" that schedule will be deleted.
TasksArray(Task)List of tasks that need to be completed during scheduled visit, definition is below

Tasks array definition

TaskType 🔺StringTask type identifier, possible values are "Note", "Photo", "Form", "Audit" or "Sales document"
TaskDescription 🔺StringCustom description for Photo or Note. Form, Audit and Sales document require their exact title as description

Response definition

CodeIntegerError identifier (0 = no errors)
MessageString (255)Response affirmative or error message. Message will include ImportJobID which can be used to check current status of requested import.

In case of a HTTP bad request (code 400), you will also receive a status response with Code not equal to 0 and an error message.
