Endpoint is used to import items from your system into pricelists that already exist in Repsly.

Request definition

Required keys are marked with a red triangle 🔺

PricelistName 🔺StringPricelist name
ProductCode 🔺StringProduct code
Price 🔺DoubleProduct price on pricelist
ActiveBooleanIf pricelist item is active or inactive
DateAvailableFromDatetimeDate after which the product is available onthe pricelist. If null, the lower date limit isconsidered open
DateAvailableToDatetimeDate until which the product is available onthe pricelist. If null the upper date limit isconsidered open
ClientIDStringUnique client ID
ManufactureIDStringUnique manufacture ID
MinQuantityNullable <Integer>The number of product items that can be put on the same purchase order cannot be lower than these limits
(if left as null, that limit is not imposed)
MaxQuantityNullable <Integer>The number of product items that can be put on the same purchase order cannot be higher than these limits
(if left as null, that limit is not imposed)

Response definition

CodeIntegerError identifier (0 = no errors)
MessageString (255)Response affirmative or error message

For a successful HTTP request (code 200), you will always receive a status response with Code equal to 0 (no error) and Message = “Pricelist import job started asynchronously under ID: {ImportJobID}”, where {ImportJobID} is the key you can use to check the current status of the import. To check the status of the import job you can use **​Import job status**​ endpoint.

In case of a HTTP bad request (code 400), you will also receive a status response with Code not equal to 0 and an error message.
