Endpoint is used to import existing products from your system to Repsly.

Request definition

Keys that determine which records to update or insert are marked with a blue diamond 🔹, while the required keys are marked with a red triangle 🔺

Code​ 🔺 🔹String (20)Unique product code.
Name 🔺String (80)Product name
ProductGroupCodeString (20)Unique product group code
ProductGroupNameString (80)Product group name
ActiveBooleanMarks a product active or inactive
TagTextTags associated with this product (separated with commas)
UnitPrice ​ 🔺Decimal (18,4)Product price
EANString (20)International Article Number (Barcode)
NoteString (1000)Additional product note
ImageUrlStringInput image url from which product image will be downloaded. ​Must ​be publicly accessible and must ​be direct link to image
MasterProductStringUsed for grouping purposes
Packaging\Codes\ValueStringList of package code values that match already existing packages inside the system.
No new packages can be added through product import
Packaging\IsSetBooleanIf true, the packaging code values will override existing values in the database for the given product.
If false, the packaging values will be ignored

Response definition

CodeIntegerError identifier (0 = no errors)
MessageString (255)Response affirmative or error message

For a successful HTTP request (code 200), you will always receive a status response with Code equal to 0 (no error) and Message = “Product import job started asynchronously under ID: {ImportJobID}”, where {ImportJobID} is the key you can use to check the current status of the import. To check the status of the import job you can use **​Import job status​** endpoint.

In case of a HTTP bad request (code 400), you will also receive a status response with Code not equal to 0 and an error message.
