Endpoint is used to export your representatives from Repsly.
This endpoint always returns full list of all representatives.

Response definition

CodeString (20)Unique representative code
NameString (80)Representative name
NoteString (255)Additional note about representative
PasswordString (50)[Obsolete] Mobile credentials - password, will always be empty.
EmailString (256)Representative’s email address
PhoneString (128)Representative’s phone number
MobileString (128)[Obsolete] Representative’s mobile phone number, will always be empty (null).
TerritoriesArray(String)The array of strings of territory paths that representative is associated with.
Territory path is representation of hierarchical territory position as territory names separated by “/”.

Ex. “Territory 1/Territory 1.1/Territory 1.1.1”
ActiveBooleanActive representative
Address1String (256)Representative's address line 1
Address2String (256)Representative's address line 2
CityString (256)Representative's city
StateString (256)Representative's state
ZipCodeString (20)Representative's ZIP code
ZipCodeExtString (20)Representative's ZIP ext code
CountryString (256)Representative's country name
CountryCodeString (20)Representative's country code
AttributesArray(Attribute)List of attributes with values and types specified for that company.


TitleStringName of the attribute (defined by the back office user).
TypeStringType of the attribute. Can be one of the following values:
TextShort, TextLong, Numeric, Boolean, Select and MultipleSelect
ValueStringThe value set for that user. If the value is null than the value is not set.