Endpoint is used to export your photos from Repsly. System limit is 50 rows.

More Info

Endpoint is used to export your photos from Repsly. System limit is 50 rows.In every response you will receive meta variables FirstID and LastID. Save LastID for future requests so you can use it as a parameter {lastPhotoID} for every subsequent request until the response meta variable TotalCount is equal to 0, which means you have received all updates.

To get the complete list of photos, start your request with parameter {lastPhotoID} = 0.

Response definition

MetaCollectionResult\TotalCountIntegerTotal count of photos
MetaCollectionResult\FirstIDIntegerUnique ID of the first item in the list
MetaCollectionResult\LastIDIntegerUnique ID of the last item in the list
PhotoIDIntegerUnique photo ID
ClientCodeString (50)Unique client code
ClientNameString (255)Client name
NoteString (1000)Photo note
DateAndTimeDatetimeDate and time of the photo
PhotoURLString (512)Photo URL
RepresentativeCodeString (20)Unique representative code (author of this photo)
RepresentativeNameString (80)Representative name (author of this form)
VisitIDIntegerUnique Visit ID
TagStringTags associated with this client (separated with commas)