Endpoint is used to export the status of any imports done via Repsly API.
To use this endpoint you need to provide the importJobID, which is received when you import data through import endpoints.

More Info

Whendata is imported into Repsly, following scenarios can occur:

New data
If the record being inserted doesn’t exist in Repsly, then the record will be created. All newly created records are counted in the RowsInserted field.

Existing data
If the record being inserted already exists in Repsly, then the record will be updated. All updated records are counted in the RowsUpdated field.

Data with warnings
If the record being inserted has an error, but this error doesn’t prevent insertion, details about this record and the adjoining error will be shown in the Warnings part of the response. All records with warnings will still be counted in the RowsInserted field (in the case of new data) or in the RowsUpdatedfield (in the case of existing data).

Data with errors
If the record being inserted has an error, and this error prevents insertion, details about this record and the adjoining error will be shown in the Errors part of the response. All records with errors are counted in the RowsInvalid field.

Data expiration
Status of a specific import job will be available for the next 30 days.

Response definition

ImportStatusStringDescription about the status of the Import. The status can be:
Completed - import is completed
Failed - import has failed
Pending - import is in progress
RowsInsertedIntegerTotal numbers of new rows inserted with the import
RowsUpdatedIntegerTotal numbers of rows updated with the import
RowsInvalidIntegerTotal numbers of rows which were not imported due to some data issues
RowsTotalIntegerThe sum of inserted and updated rows
Warnings\ItemIDStringID of the record which has data warning
Warnings\ItemNameStringName of the field in the record which has data warning
Warnings\ItemStatusStringDescription of the import warning for the field
Errors\ItemIDStringID of the record which has data error
Errors\ItemNameStringName of the field in the record which has data error
Errors\ItemStatusStringDescription of the import error for the field