Endpoint is used to export products from Repsly database.
More Info
To get the complete list of forms, start your request with parameter {lastProductID} = 0.
Response definition
Name | Type | Description |
MetaCollectionResult\TotalCount | Integer | Total count of products |
MetaCollectionResult\FirstID | Integer | Unique ID of the first item in the list |
MetaCollectionResult\LastID | Integer | Unique ID of the last item in the list |
Code | String | Unique product code |
Name | Long | Product name |
ProductGroupCode | String (20) | Unique product group code |
ProductGroupName | String (80) | Product group name |
Active | Boolean | Marks a product active or inactive |
Tag | Text | Tags associated with this product (separated with commas) |
UnitPrice | Decimal (18,4) | Product price |
EAN | String (20) | International Article Number (Barcode) |
Note | String (1000) | Additional product note |
ImageUrl | String | Image URL |
MasterProduct | String | Used for grouping purposes |
Packaging\Codes\Value | String | List of package code values |
Packaging\IsSet | Boolean | Not relevant for export, but during import - if true - the packaging code values will override existing values in the database for the given product |