Endpoint is used to export pricelist items’ data from Repsly which belong to a specific pricelist.

Response definition

IDIntegerUnique pricelist item ID
ProductIDIntegerUnique product ID
Unique product IDStringProduct code
PriceDoubleProduct price
ActiveBooleanIf product item is active or inactive
ClientIDStringUnique client ID
ManufactureIDStringUnique manufacture ID
DateAvailableFromDatetimeDate after which the product is available on this pricelist. If null, the lower date limit is considered open
DateAvailableToDatetimeDate up to which the product is available on this pricelist. If null, the upper date limit is considered open
MinQuantityNullable<Integer>The number of product items that can be put on the same purchase order cannot be lower than these limits
(if left as null, that limit is not imposed)
MaxQuantityNullable<Integer>The number of product items that can be put on the same purchase order cannot be higher than these limits
(if left as null, that limit is not imposed)